13 Best Answers To “How Was Your Interview?”

Just stepped out of an interview and bombarded with the inevitable “How was your interview?”

It’s a question we all face, yet finding the right response isn’t always easy.

Whether you’re feeling confident, uncertain, or somewhere in between, this article brings you 13 of the best answers to articulate your post-interview thoughts.

These responses range from the optimistic to the realistically cautious, giving you the perfect way to express how you truly feel about your interview experience.

1. Confident and Positive:

“I think it went really well! I felt prepared and connected with the interviewers.”

2. Cautiously Optimistic:

“It seemed to go well, but I’m trying not to count my chickens before they hatch.”

3. Honest and Reflective:

“It was tougher than I expected, but I gave it my best shot.”

4. Humorous:

“I didn’t fall off the chair, so I’d say pretty good!”

5. Vague but Positive:

“It’s hard to tell, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!”

6. Learning Experience:

“I learned a lot from the experience, regardless of the outcome.”

7. Neutral:

“It was an interesting experience. I guess time will tell!”

8. Realistic:

“There were some challenging moments, but I think I handled them okay.”

9. Enthusiastic:

“I loved it! The role and the team seem like a great fit for me.”

10. Non-Committal but Hopeful:

“It’s in the bag, I hope! But seriously, I’m hopeful it went well.”

11. Surprised by Difficulty:

“It was more challenging than I anticipated, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

12. Uncertain but Positive:

“I’m not sure, but I’m staying optimistic about it!”

13. Grateful for the Opportunity:

“No matter the outcome, I’m just grateful for the chance to interview.”

All in all, how you describe your interview experience can vary widely based on your feelings and the interview’s outcome.

Whether you’re optimistic, reflective, or still processing the experience, each of these responses offers a way to articulate your thoughts succinctly and honestly.

Remember, no matter the immediate outcome, every interview is a stepping stone in your career journey and a learning opportunity.

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