17 Funny Roasts to Say to Someone With a Perm

Are you looking for the perfect zinger for your friend’s new curly hairdo? Look no further!

We’ve rounded up 17 hilarious roasts that are tailor-made for anyone rocking a perm.

Whether it’s a tight spiral or loose waves, these roasts are a lighthearted way to poke fun at those bold enough to embrace the perm life.

So, prepare to laugh and share some good-natured jests that are all in fun. Remember, it’s all about sharing a laugh, not hurting feelings!

17 Perfect Roasts for People with Permed Hair

1. This quip plays on the idea that perms were a huge trend in the 1980s, suggesting that the person’s hair is a blast from the past.

“I didn’t realize we were bringing the 80s back, but your hair is certainly trying its best!”

2. This jest imagines the person’s curly hair as the result of an electric shock, exaggerating the frizz and volume for comic effect.

“Is that a perm, or did you stick your finger in an electric socket?”

3. This comparison likens the bouncy nature of the person’s curls to the playful movement of a slinky toy.

“Your hair is so springy, it’s like watching a slinky go down the stairs.”

4. This comment humorously compares the person’s curly hairstyle to the fluffy and curly fur of a poodle.

“I’m getting serious poodle vibes from your new look!”

5. This playful tease suggests that the person’s hair has so many curls, it’s as if they bought them in bulk.

“Did you get a discount at the curl factory?”

6. This jest envisions the person’s hair as a lively gathering spot, emphasizing the abundance and variety of curls.

“It looks like your hair decided to throw a curl party and everyone was invited!”

7. A humorous observation that the person’s voluminous, curly hair resembles the fuzzy cover of a comedian’s microphone.

“With that hair, you could stand in for a microphone at a comedy club.”

8. This roast amusingly implies that the person’s curls are so perfectly round and fluffy, they resemble doughnuts.

“Is your hairdresser a baker? Because those are some serious doughnut curls!”

9. This jest playfully questions whether the person’s wild curls are a deliberate style or the result of a chaotic encounter with strong wind.

“Did you style your hair, or did you just wrestle a wind machine?”

10. A light-hearted tease implying that the waves in their hair are so strong, they could potentially pick up a Wi-Fi signal.

“I love your hair! Do you get free Wi-Fi with those waves?”

11. This comment humorously suggests that the person’s hair is so striking and voluminous, it’s almost a distraction from their voice.

“Your perm is so loud, I almost didn’t hear your hello.”

12. A playful way of saying that the person’s curls are so bold and prominent, they’re impossible to ignore.

“If curls could talk, yours would be shouting.”

13. A classic style joke, playfully critiquing the person’s bold hair choice as perhaps a bit too adventurous.

“That’s not just a hairdo, that’s a hair-don’t!”

14. This roast humorously suggests that the person’s hair looks like it has been styled by the actual ocean waves.

“I guess you took the term ‘beach waves’ literally, huh?”

15. A comical exaggeration implying that the person’s hair is so wild and unruly, it’s like an out-of-control party.

“Your head looks like a party that everyone wants to leave early.”

16. This jest lovingly teases about the abundance of curls, suggesting they have more than enough to share.

“You’ve got enough curls to donate to three straight-haired people.”

17. A playful comparison of the person’s tightly curled perm to the curly and tangled appearance of instant noodles.

“Was your hair inspired by instant noodles? Because it’s giving ramen vibes!”

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