20 Witty Responses to a Low Ball Offer

Ever been on the receiving end of a low ball offer and found yourself at a loss for words?

We’ve all been there, whether in business, selling a car, or negotiating salaries. But who says your response can’t be as clever as it is effective?

In this article, we bring you 21 witty comebacks that not only help you handle these offers with grace but also with a touch of humor.

From playful retorts to sharp quips, these responses will keep you one step ahead in the negotiation game.

Get ready to turn those low ball offers into opportunities for some brilliant repartee!

12 Wittiest Responses to Cheap Offers

  1. “I appreciate the humor in your offer, but let’s talk serious numbers.”
  2. “Wow, I didn’t realize we were playing ‘Guess the Real Price’ today!”
  3. “Is this offer your way of testing if I have a sense of humor?”
  4. “I think my phone glitched. It showed me an offer that can’t possibly be right.”
  5. “I’m not sure if we’re negotiating or if you’re auditioning for a comedy show.”
  6. “Looks like you missed a zero. No worries, happens to the best of us.”
  7. “I like a good joke as much as anyone, but let’s talk real business now.”
  8. “Are we haggling at a flea market? Let’s try that number again.”
  9. “I’m flattered you think I’m charitable enough to give it away at that price!”
  10. “I didn’t know we were playing ‘Lowball: The Game’. My turn!”
  11. “I admire your optimism with that offer!”
  12. “If I wanted to give it away, I would’ve called it a freebie, not an offer.”
  13. “Let’s pretend you never made that offer and start over.”
  14. “I’m all for a good bargain, but I’m not running a charity here.”
  15. “I think my grandma would roll in her grave if I accepted that offer.”
  16. “You have a future in comedy with offers like that!”
  17. “Oh, I thought today was serious offers only. My mistake!”
  18. “If I wanted to give it away, I’d have called Santa, not you.”
  19. “I appreciate a good fantasy, but let’s stick to reality.”
  20. “That offer was so low, I had to look up to see the bottom line.”

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