22 Witty Answers to “What are Friends For?”

Going through life’s ups and downs gets a whole lot brighter when we have friends by our side. But what exactly are these comrades in arms for?

If you’ve ever been playfully quizzed with the question, “What are friends for?” and found yourself at a loss for words, this article has got you covered.

It’s packed with witty and thoughtful answers that showcase the invaluable roles friends play in our lives.

Beyond just sharing laughs and memories, friends are our personal cheerleaders, confidants, and the reality check we sometimes need.

#1 – Borrowing your stuff so you don’t have to organize it yourself.

  • Friends have a knack for needing your things right when you’re about to tidy up. Consider it a personalized decluttering service!

#2 – Being your alibi, no questions asked.

  • Whether you’re avoiding another family gathering or dodging an awkward date, friends are there to vouch for your very legitimate (wink) reasons for being unavailable.

#3 – Sharing their fries, even when you said you weren’t hungry.

  • They know the truth behind “I’m not hungry” and are always prepared to sacrifice a few fries to prove it.

#4 – Remembering your embarrassing moments for blackmail but in a loving way.

  • Friends collect embarrassing stories not to hold them against you, but as treasures of shared history… or so we like to think.

#5 – Being your personal hype person.

  • Before you conquer the world (or just a daunting day), they’re there to pump you up better than any motivational speaker.

#6 – Offering brutally honest fashion advice.

  • Only a true friend will tell you that your favorite shirt looks like a tablecloth from a 70s diner, saving you from fashion faux pas.

#7 – Forcing you to watch terrible movies for the laughs.

  • They find the worst movies ever made, ensuring a night of laughter and questioning cinematic choices.

#8 – Holding your hair back, no further explanation needed.

  • In your most vulnerable moments, they’re right there holding your hair back, literally and metaphorically.

#9 – Laughing at your jokes, even the bad ones.

  • A friend’s duty includes boosting your comedic ego, regardless of the quality of your punchlines.

#10 – Being the voice of reason when you’re about to make questionable life choices.

  • They’re the anchor to your balloon, always ready to pull you back down to earth when needed.
what are friends for responses

#11 – Sharing their streaming passwords.

  • The ultimate sign of trust and the cornerstone of modern friendship.

#12 – Pretending to like your cooking.

  • They brave the unknown territories of your culinary experiments with a smile (and maybe a secret stash of snacks for later).

#13 – Keeping you humble with constant roasting.

  • Friends ensure your ego stays in check by never missing an opportunity to roast you, all in good spirit.

#14 – Being your unofficial therapist.

  • From heartaches to career crises, they’re always ready to lend an ear and offer advice, usually without the hefty fees.

#15 – Helping you move, the ultimate friendship test.

  • Only true friends show up on moving day, especially when bribed with pizza and the promise of never having to do it again.

#16 – Taking one for the team.

  • Whether it’s distracting your awkward date or being the designated driver, they’ve got your back.

#17 – Creating inside jokes that no one else gets.

  • Your friendship is sealed with phrases and references that confuse everyone else but keep you both in stitches.

#18 – Always being down for late-night talks.

  • No matter the hour, they’re there for deep conversations about life, the universe, and everything in between.

#19 – Guiding you through technology like a patient teacher.

  • They’re your personal tech support, always ready to explain the latest apps and gadgets without making you feel out of touch.

#20 – Celebrating the small wins as if they’re huge.

  • Every achievement, no matter how minor, is a cause for celebration and excessive cheering.

#21 – Keeping your secrets locked in a vault.

  • They’re the keeper of your deepest secrets, ensuring they’re safe from the rest of the world.

#22 – Reminding you that you’re never alone.

  • Above all, friends are the reassuring presence that, no matter what life throws your way, you don’t have to face it solo.

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