22 Witty Roasts to Say When Someone Calls You a Monkey

Caught in the crosshairs of a playful insult? When someone throws the old ‘monkey’ jibe your way, it’s your time to shine with a comeback that’s as witty as it is sharp.

Banter is an art, and having the perfect retort up your sleeve can turn a dull jab into a moment of shared laughter.

So, if you’re ready to turn the tables and have everyone chuckling, you’re in the right place.

Our list of 22 witty roasts is tailor-made for those moments when you need to respond with humor, cleverness, and a touch of sass. Let’s get started.

#1 – “Well, that makes you the zookeeper.”

  • This comeback implies that if you’re the monkey, then the person who called you one must be in charge of taking care of you, placing them in a servile role.

#2 – “And yet, I’m still more evolved than you.”

  • This retort suggests that even as a monkey, you consider yourself more advanced in evolution compared to the person who insulted you.

#3 – “Thanks, they’re known for their intelligence and agility.”

  • This response takes the insult and turns it into a compliment, highlighting positive traits commonly associated with monkeys.

#4 – “I’d rather be a monkey than a parrot who repeats everything.”

  • Here, you’re suggesting that the person calling you a monkey lacks originality and just mimics others, like a parrot.

#5 – “That’s funny, I was about to say you remind me of a banana – always getting peeled.”

  • This roast plays on the monkey-banana relationship, insinuating that the person is easily outwitted or ‘peeled’ in arguments.

#6 – “Good thing I love bananas then!”

  • A lighthearted response that embraces the monkey comparison and turns it into a fun, self-deprecating joke.

#7 – “In the jungle of life, I’m glad to be the monkey and not the snake.”

  • This clever comeback implies that you’d rather be seen as playful and fun (like a monkey) than sly and deceptive (like a snake).

#8 – “Does that make this a circus, and you’re the clown?”

  • Turning the table, this roast suggests that if you’re a monkey, then the setting must be a circus, and the person who insulted you fits the role of a clown.

#9 – “I always wanted to be part of a great ape family!”

  • This response humorously embraces the monkey label, suggesting you’re happy to be part of a distinguished group.

#10 – “Monkeys are great at climbing. I’ll see you at the top!”

  • A positive spin on the insult, this implies that being a monkey makes you adept at rising above challenges, including the person who called you one.

#11 – “Just swinging through life, unlike some who just slither.”

  • Here, you contrast your dynamic, ‘monkey-like’ approach to life with someone who ‘slithers’, implying they are less honorable or straightforward.

#12 – “Monkeys also have a strong grip. Watch me hold onto my patience.”

  • A witty way to say that despite the provocation, you’re keeping your cool, just like a monkey maintaining a firm grip on a tree branch.

#13 – “At least I’m on the right side of the cage.”

  • This roast subtly implies that while you might be the monkey, the other person is in an even more confined position, possibly hinting at their limited perspective or understanding.

#14 – “Monkeys are social and intelligent, so thank you!”

  • A positive comeback that thanks the person for comparing you to a creature known for its intelligence and sociability.

#15 – “If I’m a monkey, does that mean I can throw things at you without repercussions?”

  • This humorous response plays on the stereotype of monkeys throwing things, suggesting you might do the same in this playful verbal exchange.

#16 – “I’d rather be a monkey than a jackass.”

  • A direct roast, this implies that if you’re a monkey, then the other person must be a less favorable animal, like a jackass.

#17 – “Monkeys are expert problem solvers; let me solve the problem of your attitude.”

  • This retort highlights the intelligence of monkeys and suggests that you’re capable of addressing and rectifying the person’s negative attitude.

#18 – “I’ll take that as a compliment; monkeys are incredibly adaptable.”

  • Another positive spin, emphasizing the adaptability of monkeys as a desirable trait.

#19 – “At least I can monkey around. You’re just nuts.”

  • A playful jab that not only embraces the monkey label but also implies the other person is crazy or irrational.

#20 – “I’m proud to be a monkey, especially with all this monkey business around.”

  • This comeback suggests that being a monkey is preferable given the foolish or nonsensical behavior (monkey business) of those around you.

#21 – “Monkeys are natural acrobats. Watch me dodge your insults.”

  • A clever way of saying you’re agile enough, like a monkey, to avoid being affected by their insults.

#22 – “If I’m a monkey for having fun, then call me King Kong!”

  • This response enthusiastically embraces the monkey comparison, equating your ability to have fun with the legendary King Kong’s larger-than-life presence.

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