26 Superb Roasts for When Someone Calls You Cringe

Getting called ‘cringe’ can feel like a modern-day social faux pas. But fear not!

Turning the tables on such a remark is easier than you think, and it’s all about having the right comeback.

In the playful world of banter, a clever roast in response can transform an awkward moment into one filled with laughter.

In this article, we’re serving up 26 superb roasts that are perfect for those times when someone tries to dampen your spirit with the ‘cringe’ label. Let’s go!

#1 – “I’m not cringe, I’m just ahead of the curve.”

  • This comeback suggests that what they perceive as ‘cringe’ is actually you being innovative or trendsetting, and they just haven’t caught up yet.

#2 – “I’d rather be cringe than forgettable.”

  • This retort implies that it’s better to be remembered for being cringe than not remembered at all.

#3 – “Cringe today, iconic tomorrow.”

  • This line indicates that what’s considered cringe now might become the next big thing, so you’re just ahead of your time.

#4 – “Thanks for noticing. I was trying to match your vibe.”

  • A playful way of saying that if you’re cringe, it’s only because you were trying to fit in with them.

#5 – “Being cringe is my superpower. What’s yours?”

  • This response embraces the ‘cringe’ label and turns it into something unique and special about you.

#6 – “Well, someone has to set the bar low.”

  • A humorous way of saying that you’re intentionally setting a low standard for others to exceed.

#7 – “I’m just living rent-free in your head, aren’t I?”

  • Implies that your behavior is so memorable (for whatever reason) that it stays on their mind.

#8 – “Don’t worry, I’ll autograph your memory of me later.”

  • A tongue-in-cheek way of suggesting that even your cringe moments are worthy of a celebrity autograph.

#9 – “I’m cringe? Wait till you hear my next joke.”

  • This suggests that what they’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg.

#10 – “Cringe is just my warm-up act.”

  • Implies that being cringe is just a small part of your repertoire.

#11 – “If cringe was a sport, I’d be an Olympian.”

  • Embraces the cringe label and suggests you excel at it.

#12 – “Cringe is the new cool, didn’t you get the memo?”

  • Suggests that being cringe is actually trendy and they’re out of the loop.

#13 – “Thanks, I’ve been practicing.”

  • A lighthearted way of saying that being cringe is a skill you’ve been working on.

#14 – “In a world full of boring, I choose cringe.”

  • Implies a preference for being interesting and cringe over dull and normal.

#15 – “Sorry, my cringe is contagious. Hope you don’t catch it!”

  • A playful warning that your cringe might rub off on them.

#16 – “I’m not cringe, I’m just an acquired taste.”

  • Suggests that understanding and appreciating your style takes sophistication.

#17 – “Oh, I’m cringe? Thanks for the compliment!”

  • Takes the word ‘cringe’ and turns it into something positive.

#18 – “Cringe is just my way of making your day more interesting.”

  • Implies that you’re adding excitement to their otherwise mundane day.

#19 – “I aim for cringe, and clearly, I’m hitting the target.”

  • Shows that you’re achieving exactly what you set out to do.

#20 – “You call it cringe; I call it living out loud.”

  • A way of saying that what they see as cringe, you see as being expressive.

#21 – “One person’s cringe is another’s masterpiece.”

  • Suggests that cringe is subjective and what one person dislikes, another might love.

#22 – “I’m not cringe, I’m just not edited for TV.”

  • Implies that your real, unfiltered self may not always be polished but it’s authentic.

#23 – “Cringe is my middle name. Nice to meet you.”

  • A humorous introduction that embraces the label as part of your identity.

#24 – “In the kingdom of bland, the cringe is king.”

  • Suggests that in a world where everyone is trying to fit in, being cringe makes you stand out.

#25 – “I’m not here to fit in, I’m here to stand out. Mission accomplished!”

  • Shows that your goal is to be different and noticeable, and being called cringe means you’ve succeeded.

#26 – “If being cringe is wrong, I don’t want to be right.”

  • A playful take on the idea that if cringe is considered negative, you’re happy to not conform to the norm.

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