27 Super Funny Roasts to Tell Your Dentist

Brace yourself for a dose of laughter with our collection of 27 super funny roasts perfect for your next dental visit!

Going to the dentist might not always be a walk in the park, but who says it can’t be filled with chuckles?

From witty quips about flossing adventures to playful jabs at those dental chair moments, these roasts are sure to brighten up any dental appointment.

So next time you’re reclining in that chair, open wide and deliver these hilarious lines that will have both you and your dentist grinning from ear to ear!

#1 – “I flossed once and it was on the day I met you.”

  • This playful jest teases about the common neglect of regular flossing, a frequent topic during dental visits.

#2 – “You must be a wizard because every time I’m here, my money disappears.”

  • A humorous take on the sometimes high cost of dental care, likening the dentist to a magician.

#3 – “Is this a dental office or an art gallery? I’ve never seen so many fake smiles.”

  • Teases the often-perfect smiles found in dental office posters and advertisements.

#4 – “Your favorite song must be ‘Every Breath You Take’ because you’re always so close to my face.”

  • A light-hearted comment on the close proximity dentists work in relation to their patients.

#5 – “I’d say you’re my favorite dentist, but you’re in my top five.”

  • A playful roast implying that while the dentist is good, there are others in the running.

#6 – “You’re the only person who tells me to open wide and gets away with it.”

  • A cheeky remark on the unique demands of a dental appointment.

#7 – “Do you charge extra for the comedy show or is that included with the cleaning?”

  • Jokes about the often light-hearted and humorous interactions with the dentist.

#8 – “You should work at the airport with all the cavity searches you do.”

  • A humorous comparison of dental check-ups to security checks.

#9 – “I didn’t know I was coming in for a roast, but judging by the pain, you’re pretty good at it.”

  • A playful twist, suggesting the dentist’s procedures can sometimes feel like a good-natured roast.

#10 – “I came for a cleaning, but it feels more like a treasure hunt in my mouth.”

  • Teases the thorough exploration dentists do during cleanings.

#11 – “Are you a DJ? Because every time I’m here, you’re always dropping the drill.”

  • A witty remark likening the dentist’s use of tools to a DJ’s turntable skills.

#12 – “I love your work, but I hope this relationship doesn’t last long.”

  • A humorous way of saying you prefer fewer dental issues and visits.

#13 – “Your dental chair is so comfy, I’m expecting a bill from a hotel next.”

  • Compliments the comfort of the dental chair, humorously exaggerating it.

#14 – “Do you also do stand-up comedy? Because my jaw is always on the floor here.”

  • A fun comment on the dentist’s ability to surprise or shock, as in a stand-up act.
best dentist roasts

#15 – “This must be what fame feels like, with all these lights and cameras in my mouth.”

  • A playful take on the use of dental lights and cameras during examinations.

#16 – “I think I’ve spent more time in this chair than on my own sofa.”

  • Exaggerates the amount of time spent at the dentist’s office.

#17 – “You should add ‘mouth detective’ to your business card.”

  • A funny suggestion about the dentist’s investigative skills during check-ups.

#18 – “It’s nice that you fill cavities, but can you fill the hole in my heart from the bill?”

  • A light-hearted jab at the cost of dental procedures.

#19 – “Your hands spend so much time in my mouth, they should start paying rent.”

  • A humorous comment on the dentist’s hands being a frequent ‘guest’ in one’s mouth.

#20 – “Can you give me a smile like the ones in your ads? I’ll take the Photoshop version.”

  • Jokes about the perfect, often enhanced smiles in dental ads.

#21 – “Is your motto ‘drill, baby, drill’?”

  • A playful take on the use of dental drills.

#22 – “You’re like a tooth fairy for adults, except you take my money instead.”

  • A witty twist on the tooth fairy concept, with a humorous nod to dental expenses.

#23 – “If I knew you were going to be this close, I would have brought you dinner first.”

  • A cheeky comment on the close physical proximity during a dental check-up.

#24 – “You must be good at puzzles because you piece my teeth back together so well.”

  • Compliments the dentist’s skill in a light-hearted way.

#25 – “Are you a spy? Because you have a lot of gadgets and know everything about my mouth.”

  • A humorous comparison of dental tools and expertise to that of a spy.

#26 – “I don’t mind the X-rays, but where’s the popcorn?”

  • A playful jest on the experience of getting dental X-rays, likening it to watching a movie.

#27 – “I never thought I’d find my ‘plaque’ mate.”

  • A pun on ‘plaque’ and ‘soulmate’, teasing the dentist’s focus on dental plaque.

And that’s a wrap on our dental comedy tour! With these 27 super funny roasts in your pocket, your next trip to the dentist is sure to be filled with more laughter than ever before.

These jests are just the thing to lighten up the mood in the dental chair and show that humor really is the best medicine (next to good oral hygiene, of course!).

Next time you’re gearing up for a cleaning or a check-up, don’t forget to bring one of these hilarious lines along.

Here’s to happy teeth and even happier visits to the dentist!

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