28 Best Ways to Reply to “You Should Smile More”

Finding the right response when someone tells you to “smile more” can be as tricky as navigating a social minefield.

It’s a comment that seems simple on the surface but can pack a punch of presumption.

Why should you smile on command?

We’ve compiled a list of 28 perfect comebacks that range from the sweetly sarcastic to the outright humorous, designed to address this unsolicited advice head-on.

These replies are your secret weapon, empowering you to handle such comments with poise, wit, or just the right touch of sass.

#1 – “And you should speak less.”

  • A quick, sharp retort that flips the script, suggesting that unsolicited advice isn’t always welcome.

#2 – “I’m saving my smiles for something truly smile-worthy.”

  • Implies that your smiles are valuable and reserved for moments that genuinely bring you joy.

#3 – “I smile on the inside.”

  • A witty way to say that just because they don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

#4 – “My face, my rules.”

  • Asserts your autonomy over your own expressions in a straightforward manner.

#5 – “Why? Did you do something funny?”

  • Challenges the commenter to justify their request by providing a reason to smile.

#6 – “I’ll smile more when you say less.”

  • Another snappy comeback that connects their speaking to your smiling.

#7 – “Smiles are like currency; I don’t spend them without good reason.”

  • Likens your smiles to something of value that shouldn’t be wasted without cause.

#8 – “I am smiling. This is just my resting happy face.”

  • A playful response that suggests your smile might not look like what others expect.

#9 – “Oh, I left my smile in my other pants.”

  • Uses humor to deflect the comment by pretending to have forgotten your smile.
you should smile more replies

#10 – “But then I wouldn’t be mysterious anymore.”

  • Implies that not smiling all the time adds to your mystique.

#11 – “I’ll take that under advisement.”

  • A formal, non-committal response that humorously treats their comment as an official recommendation.

#12 – “My smile machine is broken today.”

  • A light-hearted way to say that you’re not in the mood to smile without getting too personal.

#13 – “I’m practicing my serious look today. How am I doing?”

  • Turns the moment into a joke about trying to look more serious on purpose.

#14 – “Every time someone tells me to smile, I do the opposite out of spite.”

  • Suggests that their comment is counterproductive, encouraging you to do the exact opposite.

#15 – “I don’t want to devalue the brand by overdoing it.”

  • Treats your smile as a premium brand that loses value if overused.

#16 – “Give me a smile, and maybe I’ll return the favor.”

  • Puts the onus back on the commenter to provide a smile first.

#17 – “I’m conserving energy, smiles included.”

  • A humorous way to say you’re saving up your energy, even when it comes to smiling.

#18 – “I was told my smile can cause sunburns; I’m just looking out for you.”

  • A cheeky way to compliment yourself while pretending to protect them.

#19 – “Smiles are like secrets. I don’t give them away freely.”

  • Suggests that your smiles are precious and not to be shared with just anyone.

#20 – “I’ll start working on that right after I finish perfecting my poker face.”

  • Jokes about having other facial expressions to master before you can work on smiling more.

#21 – “But this is my ‘thinking deeply’ face. It’s very important.”

  • Pretends that not smiling is part of an essential process of deep thought.

#22 – “I heard it causes wrinkles, and I’m all about that skincare.”

  • A playful excuse that cites concern for skincare as the reason for not smiling more.

#23 – “I’m not sure the world is ready for my dazzling smile yet.”

  • A lighthearted way to boast about your smile’s power humorously.

#24 – “I’m waiting for something that’s worth the effort.”

  • Implies that you choose to smile for things that truly matter to you.

#25 – “A smile? Let me check my schedule.”

  • Pretends to treat smiling as an appointment that needs to be booked.

#26 – “I like to keep people guessing about what I’m really thinking.”

  • Suggests that not smiling adds an element of mystery to your persona.

#27 – “But then you’d miss seeing my other fabulous expressions.”

  • Highlights that you have a range of expressions, each as worthy of display as a smile.

#28 – “Smiling is so mainstream. I prefer to stand out.”

  • A tongue-in-cheek response that frames not smiling as a unique, non-conformist choice.

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