32 Funny Roasts to Say to Your Brother

Are you ready to unleash a barrage of chuckles and chortles? Now you can with our collection of 32 roasts tailor-made for your brother.

Whether he’s the prankster of the family or the protective big bro, these jests are a hilarious way to show your love and keep the sibling rivalry fun and lively.

Each roast is a playful nod to those classic brotherly traits, from his questionable fashion choices to his legendary gaming skills.

So, whether you’re looking to spice up a family gathering or just want to send a cheeky text, these roasts are sure to bring laughter and strengthen those unbreakable brotherly bonds.

Top 32 Roasts to Tell Your Brother

  1. “You’re the best at being the worst at everything.”
    • A playful way to say he’s uniquely skilled, even in not being skilled.
  2. “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
    • A humorous way to point out when he’s off the mark in his opinions or decisions.
  3. “You have the perfect face for radio.”
    • A classic roast implying he has a great voice but maybe not a face for TV.
  4. “Your cooking makes me miss cafeteria food.”
    • A lighthearted jab at his culinary skills or lack thereof.
  5. “If laziness were an Olympic sport, you’d be a gold medalist.”
    • Teasing him for being laid back or inactive.
  6. “You’re like a software update. Every time I see you, you need to recharge.”
    • A witty comparison to how he might always be low on energy or sleeping.
  7. “You’re the reason I’m an only child at heart.”
    • A fun way to say he makes you wish you were an only child sometimes.
  8. “You could be a part-time model… for scarecrows.”
    • A playful poke at his fashion sense or appearance.
  9. “Your jokes are so bad, they’re good.”
    • Teasing about his sense of humor, which might be cheesy or dad-joke level.
  10. “You’re not stupid; you just have bad luck thinking.”
    • A humorous way to say he occasionally makes questionable decisions.
  11. “You’re as useful as a white crayon.”
    • A funny way to say he’s not always the most helpful.
  12. “If there was an award for laziness, you’d probably send someone to pick it up for you.”
    • A joke about his tendency to avoid effort.
  13. “Your sense of fashion is so unique, even thrift shops don’t get it.”
    • A lighthearted roast about his possibly unconventional style.
  14. “You’re the human version of ‘Terms and Conditions’ – everyone ignores you.”
    • A playful comparison to something universally overlooked.
  15. “You’re proof that the best things in life are not free. I’d have paid to pick my sibling.”
    • A humorous way to say he’s a handful or challenging at times.
  16. “Your idea of a hard day’s work is deleting old emails.”
    • Teasing him about his work ethic or lack of it.
  17. “If being annoying was a crime, you’d be serving a life sentence.”
    • A fun way to say he can be irritating sometimes.
  18. “You’re like a slinky – not really good for much, but bring a smile when pushed down the stairs.”
    • A humorous and slightly dark way to say he’s amusing but not always practical.
  19. “You should carry a plant around to replace the oxygen you waste.”
    • A playful insult about his contribution to the world.
  20. “You’re the GPS of my life – always taking me on unnecessary detours.”
    • Saying he often leads you astray or complicates things.
  21. “Even autocorrect gave up on you.”
    • Implying he often makes mistakes or doesn’t make sense.
  22. “You’re like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”
    • A light-hearted way to say things are better when he’s not around.
  23. “You’re so dense, light bends around you.”
    • A science-themed roast about his intelligence.
  24. “I’d insult you, but you’re not bright enough to notice.”
    • A sneaky way to insult his intelligence.
  25. “You’re the human equivalent of a participation award.”
    • Implying he’s not outstanding, but he still gets acknowledged.
  26. “If being sarcastic burned calories, you’d be invisible by now.”
    • Teasing him for being overly sarcastic.
  27. “You’re not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope they don’t die.”
    • A comical way to say he’s not very smart.
  28. “You’re about as reliable as a paper umbrella.”
    • Saying he’s not dependable.
  29. “You’re like a penny – two-faced and not worth much.”
    • A playful jab at his value and consistency.
  30. “You’re the missing link between apes and humans.”
    • Teasing him about being primitive or uncivilized.
  31. “Your room is so dirty, even bacteria won’t live there.”
    • A funny way to comment on his cleanliness.
  32. “You’re like a mosquito – annoying and pointless.”
    • Saying he can be irritating and not particularly useful.

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