Have you ever found yourself on the receiving end of advice you never asked for?
From family gatherings to social media, unsolicited guidance seems to be everywhere.
While the intentions behind these nuggets of wisdom can vary, they often leave us feeling a tad bewildered or even frustrated.
No worries, though. We’ve got a treasure trove of clever comebacks that will help you navigate these awkward moments with grace and humor.
So if you’re looking to lightly tease or firmly establish your boundaries, these responses are your go-to for keeping the conversation light and maintaining your cool.
#1 – “Thanks, I’ll add it to the list!”
- This reply is perfect for when you want to acknowledge the advice without committing to it. It humorously implies you receive so much advice that you have a running list, possibly never getting around to actually using it.
#2 – “Oh, were we sharing life hacks? Here’s mine…”
- Flip the script and share your own unsolicited advice. It’s a playful way to show how it feels to be on the receiving end, while also keeping the conversation light and engaging.
#3 – “Interesting, does it work well in your experience?”
- Asking for their personal experience shifts the focus and can either lead to a more meaningful conversation or gently point out if they’re sharing advice they haven’t personally tested.
#4 – “I appreciate the thought, but I’m happy with my way for now.”
- This response is respectful yet firm, making it clear you’re content with your current approach while still valuing their input.
#5 – “That’s one way to look at it! I’ve found another method that works for me.”
- By acknowledging their perspective before sharing your own, you create space for diverse approaches without outright dismissing theirs.
#6 – “Thanks! How much do I owe you for the consultation?”
- A humorous way to highlight that their advice was unsolicited, likening it to an unasked-for professional consultation.
#7 – “I’ll consider that if plan A doesn’t work out.”
- This comeback is non-committal and keeps the conversation friendly, suggesting you might think about their advice but only as a backup plan.
#8 – “That’s an interesting perspective. I’ll ponder on that.”
- “Pondering” is a non-specific, non-committal response that acknowledges their input without agreeing to follow it.

#9 – “Wow, I never looked at it that way! Thanks for the unique viewpoint.”
- Even if their advice isn’t new to you, this response makes them feel heard while not necessarily agreeing to take their advice.
#10 – “I guess there’s always a different way to skin a cat!”
- This old saying humorously acknowledges that multiple methods can achieve the same outcome, without committing to changing your approach.
#11 – “Hmm, that’s food for thought. I’ll chew on it.”
- Using the metaphor of digestion for thinking it over is a lighthearted way to say you’ll consider their advice without making any promises.
#12 – “I’m curious, what led you to that conclusion?”
- This encourages them to explain their reasoning, which can either provide you with more context or help them see the limitations of their advice.
#13 – “That sounds like it could be a plan B. Thanks!”
- Similar to considering it if plan A fails, this makes it clear that their advice is not your first choice but is appreciated nonetheless.
#14 – “I’m glad that works for you! I’m still exploring different options.”
- This acknowledges the validity of their method for them while emphasizing your journey to find what works best for you.
#15 – “Thanks for the input! Life’s a big experiment, isn’t it?”
- By framing life as an experiment, you suggest that while their advice is one option, you’re open to trying and discovering what’s best for you through trial and error.
#16 – “That’s a perspective I hadn’t considered. Thanks for broadening my horizon!”
- Even if you don’t agree, thanking someone for offering a new perspective keeps the exchange positive and shows openness to different ideas.
#17 – “Interesting idea! I’ll slot it into my ‘maybe someday’ list.”
- This response humorously suggests that while their advice isn’t immediately useful, it’s not completely off the table either.
#18 – “I’ve heard that before, but I appreciate your reminder!”
- If the advice is common, this response acknowledges its popularity while subtly hinting you’re already aware of it.
#19 – “Ah, the beauty of unsolicited advice. Gotta love it!”
- This tongue-in-cheek reply playfully acknowledges the nature of the advice without direct confrontation.
#20 – “I’m on a different path, but I’ll keep that route in mind!”
- It’s a gentle way of saying you’re pursuing a different approach but are open to considering theirs in the future.
#21 – “Thanks for thinking of me! I’ve got it covered, but I’ll shout if I need help.”
- This lets them know you appreciate their concern while confidently stating you’re in control of the situation.
#22 – “I love how passionate you are about this! I’ll let you know if I give it a go.”
- Complimenting their enthusiasm keeps the mood positive, even if you’re not keen on following their advice.
#23 – “That’s definitely an option. Thanks for adding to my toolbox!”
- By treating their advice as just another tool in your arsenal, you keep your options open without commitment.
#24 – “I’ve actually tried that before! Had a different outcome, but interesting to hear it worked for you.”
- Sharing your experience shows you’re open to trying new things but have already formed your own conclusions.
#25 – “Oh, I’m in an experimental phase right now, but I’ll keep your idea in mind!”
- This response signals that you’re currently exploring and not looking for a definitive solution, but you value their suggestion.
#26 – “That could be worth exploring at some point. For now, I’m set on my plan.”
- You’re not dismissing their idea but clearly stating your current priorities.
#27 – “Everyone’s journey is unique, right? I’m excited to see where mine takes me.”
- This philosophical take emphasizes individual paths and experiences, subtly suggesting that what works for one may not work for another.
#28 – “Thanks for the advice! I’m a bit of an adventurer, though, and love discovering things firsthand.”
- This adventurous response highlights your preference for learning through personal experience rather than following advice.
#29 – “I appreciate your input! It’s great to have so many perspectives.”
- A diplomatic way to acknowledge their contribution without agreeing to follow their advice.
#30 – “That’s a cool suggestion. I’ll add it to my ‘ideas pot’ and see if it stirs up anything interesting.”
- This creative metaphor suggests you’re collecting ideas to see which ones resonate with you, without immediate commitment.
#31 – “I like how you think! Not sure it’s for me, but I’m glad you shared it.”
- Complimenting their thinking encourages a positive interaction, even if their advice isn’t applicable to you.
#32 – “You’ve given me a lot to think about. I’ll marinate on that.”
- The cooking metaphor of “marinating” suggests a slow, thoughtful consideration process, which is both humorous and non-committal.
#33 – “Your enthusiasm is contagious! Though, I might take a different route.”
- Acknowledging their enthusiasm while maintaining your own course of action balances gratitude with independence.
#34 – “That’s an interesting take. I’ll file it away for future reference!”
- This implies that while their advice isn’t immediately relevant, it’s still valuable enough to remember for potential future use.