13 Funny Ways to Respond to “Hello, Is This Still Available?” on Facebook Marketplace

Ever scrolled through your Facebook Marketplace messages and been greeted by the all-too-familiar ‘Hello, is this still available?’

You’re not alone! Selling online comes with its quirks, and this question is a staple. But why respond in the usual, mundane way?

Today, we’re jazzing up your reply game with 13 amusing ways to answer this question.

From quirky comebacks to playful puns, we’ve got a range of responses that will add a dash of humor to your selling experience.

#1 – “Just checked with the item, and it says it’s still here!”

  • A playful way to confirm availability by pretending to converse with the item.

#2 – “Well, it hasn’t grown legs and walked away yet!”

  • A humorous way to imply that of course, it’s still there because it can’t move on its own.

#3 – “As of two seconds ago? Yup, still available!”

  • A sarcastic way to emphasize how little time has passed since you listed it.

#4 – “Let me consult my crystal ball… Yes, still here!”

  • Pretending to use mystical powers to check the item’s availability.

#5 – “It was waiting just for you to ask!”

  • Suggesting the item was somehow anticipating their inquiry.

#6 – “Hold on, let me ask it… Yep, it nodded!”

  • Another playful anthropomorphizing of the item.

#7 – “I was about to throw it a goodbye party, but it’s still here.”

  • A comical way of saying it’s still available and hasn’t been bid farewell.

#8 – “It’s more available than I am on a Friday night!”

  • Self-deprecating humor to affirm its availability.

#9 – “It’s as available as free samples at a grocery store!”

  • A funny comparison to highlight its ready availability.

#10 – “Just played hide and seek with it, and I found it. So, yes!”

  • A lighthearted way to confirm it’s still there.

#11 – “It’s been sitting here, singing ‘Somebody Buy Me’ all day long.”

  • Imagining the item eagerly waiting to be bought.

#12 – “I was about to post a ‘missing’ poster for it, but nope, still here.”

  • A humorous way of saying it hasn’t gone anywhere.

#13 – “If it were any more available, it’d be running a ‘take me’ campaign!”

  • Exaggerating its availability to make a humorous point.

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