20 Hilarious (and Witty) Roasts to Say to Your Landlord

Are you tired of the same old interactions with your landlord? Get ready to turn the tables with wit and humor!

Our collection of 20 side-splitting roasts is exactly what you need to add a spark to your conversations.

Whether you’re dealing with late maintenance requests or just want to lighten the mood during your next rent negotiation, these roasts are your go-to source for a good chuckle.

Keep in mind, it’s all in good fun, so let’s keep it friendly and enjoy a laugh together!

#1 – “I thought my apartment was unfurnished until I found the cobwebs – thanks for the free decor!”

  • This joke implies that the apartment is not well-cleaned, making the cobwebs seem like part of the intentional décor.

#2 – “If these walls could talk, they’d probably ask for a paint job.”

  • This one humorously suggests that the walls are so old and in need of painting that they would request it themselves if they could.

#3 – “I love how you’re more elusive than a decent Wi-Fi signal in this building.”

  • Here, the landlord’s lack of presence or responsiveness is compared to the frustratingly poor Wi-Fi signal in the building.

#4 – “Your response time to maintenance requests is slower than my grandma’s internet.”

  • This roast playfully compares the landlord’s slow response to maintenance issues to the stereotypical slowness of an elderly person’s internet.

#5 – “Your rent increase emails are more regular than my clockwork.”

  • This one comically notes the predictability and frequency of the rent increase emails, suggesting they are more reliable than a clock.

#6 – “This apartment is so small, even my cat’s having a claustrophobic crisis!”

  • A humorous exaggeration of the small size of the apartment, suggesting it’s so cramped that even a cat feels claustrophobic.

#7 – “If I wanted to live in a freezer, I would have moved to the Arctic – can we fix the heating?”

  • A playful way to complain about the inadequate heating, likening the cold apartment to living in the Arctic.

#8 – “I’m not saying the plumbing is old, but I think it was installed by the Romans.”

  • This jest exaggerates the antiquity of the plumbing, humorously suggesting it’s as old as Roman times.

#9 – “Your idea of modern amenities is opening a window, isn’t it?”

  • This quip pokes fun at the lack of modern facilities in the apartment, implying that the most advanced feature is a window that opens.

#10 – “I’m starting to think the ‘hot water’ setting is just a mythological concept here.”

  • This one jokingly suggests that hot water is so rare in the apartment, it’s become a mythical idea.

#11 – “This apartment is like a fine wine; it gets more ‘character’ with age. And by character, I mean leaks.”

  • A witty comparison of the apartment’s aging issues, such as leaks, to the way fine wine supposedly improves with age.

#12 – “You must have been a magician in a past life because my security deposit disappeared!”

  • Suggesting that the security deposit was so quickly and mysteriously withheld, it’s as if the landlord performed a magic trick.

#13 – “If I wanted to live on an adventure playground, I’d have asked for a swing set, not these creaky floors.”

  • This roast humorously compares the creaky floors to the unpredictable nature of an adventure playground.

#14 – “You’re the Houdini of landlords – especially when it comes to fixing things.”

  • Likens the landlord to the famous escape artist, humorously suggesting their talent for disappearing when it comes to repairs.

#15 – “This building has so much ‘character’ it should be in a Dickens novel.”

  • Jokes about the old and possibly decrepit state of the building, implying it’s fit for a dramatic Charles Dickens story.

#16 – “I didn’t know ‘vintage’ meant a stove from the 1950s.”

  • This quip humorously addresses the outdated nature of appliances, with ‘vintage’ serving as a euphemism for old and possibly inefficient.

#17 – “The only thing rising faster than my rent is my blood pressure.”

  • A comical way of expressing frustration about rent increases, comparing it to the stress-induced rise in blood pressure.

#18 – “The paint job in this apartment is like a bad haircut: uneven and noticeable from a mile away.”

  • Compares a poor paint job to a bad haircut, humorously noting its unevenness and conspicuousness.

#19 – “Who needs a gym membership when I can climb these ancient stairs every day?”

  • Turns the inconvenience of old, possibly challenging stairs into a humorous positive, likening it to a workout at the gym.

#20 – “I was excited about the ‘rustic charm’ of the place, until I realized it meant rusty pipes.”

  • This roast plays on the term ‘rustic charm’, humorously twisting it to refer to actual issues with rusty pipes.

With these 20 witty roasts in your back pocket, your next chat with your landlord might just be the most entertaining yet!

These playful jabs are perfect for adding a touch of humor to the everyday tenant-landlord relationship.

Just a little reminder: while laughter is a great icebreaker, always approach these jokes with a friendly spirit.

Here’s to hoping your next maintenance request gets a faster response – or at least a good chuckle!

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