33 Best Roasts to Say to a Bully

Standing up to a bully can be a daunting task, but sometimes, a well-placed roast can be just the thing to turn the tables.

We’ve gathered 33 of the best roasts designed to disarm a bully with humor and wit.

These clever comebacks aren’t just witty remarks; they’re a display of quick thinking and self-confidence.

From school hallways to the digital world, bullies are a challenge many face, and having the right words can make all the difference.

These roasts offer a way to stand your ground without stooping to their level.

#1 – “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”

  • This roast implies that the bully’s opinion is not just incorrect, but so absurd that agreeing would reduce your own intelligence.

#2 – “I’m sorry, I don’t speak nonsense.”

  • By saying this, you dismiss the bully’s words as nonsensical, implying that what they say is so irrelevant it’s not even worth understanding.

#3 – “I guess the zombie apocalypse is real, because you’re clearly lacking a brain.”

  • This humorous roast suggests that the bully is so thoughtless and unintelligent, they might as well be a brainless zombie.

#4 – “If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on earth.”

  • This statement turns the insult back on the bully, suggesting that their lack of knowledge or awareness is the only reason for their happiness.

#5 – “I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you.”

  • This roast humorously implies that the bully is so intellectually challenged that any explanation would have to be extremely simplistic, akin to a children’s crayon drawing.

#6 – “You’re not stupid; you just have bad luck thinking.”

  • This light-hearted roast suggests that the bully’s inability to think logically or sensibly is due to bad luck rather than inherent stupidity.

#7 – “I’d insult you, but nature did a better job.”

  • Here, the implication is that the bully has already been ‘insulted’ by nature, either in terms of their intelligence, appearance, or both, rendering any additional insults unnecessary.

#8 – “Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.”

  • This roast plays on the act of eye-rolling as a sign of contempt, suggesting the bully might discover some much-needed brain cells if they keep doing it.

#9 – “I’d explain it to you, but I left my English-to-nonsense dictionary at home.”

  • A witty way of saying that the bully’s language or arguments are so nonsensical that they would require a special dictionary to understand.

#10 – “Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.”

  • A rather harsh roast implying that the bully’s very existence was a mistake or an accident.

#11 – “You bring everyone so much joy… when you leave the room.”

  • This roast humorously suggests that the bully’s absence is more appreciated than their presence.

#12 – “I would have a battle of wits with you, but it seems you’re unarmed.”

  • Implies that engaging in a verbal spar with the bully would be unfair due to their lack of intelligence or wit.

#13 – “Mirrors can’t talk. Lucky for you, they can’t laugh either.”

  • A playful jab at the bully’s appearance, suggesting that even a mirror would laugh if it could.

#14 – “You’re the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.”

  • This implies that the bully’s lack of intelligence or common sense is a risk to the gene pool’s overall quality.

#15 – “I’d love to see things from your point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my rear end.”

  • A humorous way to say that the bully’s perspective is so skewed or ridiculous it’s impossible to empathize with.

#16 – “You are proof that evolution can go in reverse.”

  • Suggests that the bully’s behavior or intelligence is so primitive, it contradicts the idea of human evolution.

#17 – “Are you always this stupid, or do you just show off when I’m around?”

  • A roast questioning whether the bully’s stupidity is a constant trait or an act they put on for others.

#18 – “Someday you’ll go far… and I hope you stay there.”

  • A backhanded way of saying that while the bully might achieve something significant, it would be best if they stayed away.

#19 – “You’re not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope they don’t die.”

  • This implies that the bully is just one step away from being the dumbest person alive.

#20 – “Shock me, say something intelligent.”

  • Challenges the bully to prove they can say something smart, implying that it would be a surprising event.

#21 – “You have an entire life to be an idiot. Why not take today off?”

  • Suggests that the bully takes a break from their usual foolish behavior, if only for a day.

#22 – “Your face is just fine, but we’ll have to put a bag over that personality.”

  • A roast targeting the bully’s personality rather than their appearance, implying it’s the former that’s truly unattractive.

#23 – “I’d give you a nasty look, but you’ve already got one.”

  • Implies that the bully’s appearance or demeanor is already unpleasant enough without additional help.

#24 – “I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.”

  • Equates thinking of the bully with the chore of disposing of garbage, suggesting they’re of similar value.

#25 – “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”

  • Reiterates the notion that agreeing with the bully would only lead to mutual error.

#26 – “You’re like a software update. Whenever I see you, I immediately think ‘not now.'”

  • Compares the bully to an inconvenient, often unwanted software update.

#27 – “Don’t feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.”

  • A blunt way of saying that it’s okay to be untalented, indirectly implying that the bully is one of these people.

#28 – “You’re like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”

  • Suggests that the bully’s absence, like that of an overcast sky, makes everything more pleasant.

#29 – “I’d explain it to you, but your brain might explode.”

  • Implies that the bully’s brain is incapable of handling complex or logical explanations.

#30 – “You’re the reason we have middle fingers.”

  • A humorous way of saying that the bully is so aggravating, they are the very reason why an insulting gesture exists.

#31 – “You’re like a slinky. Not really good for much, but you bring a smile to my face when pushed down the stairs.”

  • A darkly humorous roast that likens the bully to a toy that’s entertaining when it’s tumbling down.

#32 – “I would make a joke about your life, but I see life beat me to it.”

  • Suggests that the bully’s life is already so unfortunate or comical that making a joke about it would be redundant.

#33 – “You’re not pretty enough to be this dumb.”

  • A roast that humorously implies there’s an inverse relationship between looks and intelligence, and the bully doesn’t have the looks to justify their lack of smarts.

As we conclude this roundup of clever comebacks, it’s essential to acknowledge that humor can be a helpful shield in deflecting a bully’s words.

However, it’s equally important to recognize when a situation escalates beyond playful banter.

Bullying is a serious issue, and if you find yourself or someone else in a situation that’s more than just a war of witty words, seeking help is crucial.

There are resources available for those who need support, guidance, or intervention in dealing with bullying.

Visit StopBullying.gov for resources and assistance. It’s a valuable source of information for understanding how to handle bullying effectively and with the support of others.

Always remember, standing up to a bully with humor is one thing, but standing up for yourself or others by seeking help is a step of courage and strength.

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