45 Perfect Roasts to Say to Fake Friends

Navigating the tricky waters of friendship can sometimes lead you to encounter a few less-than-genuine pals.

You know the type: always there for the good times, but vanish like a magic trick when you need them most. But don’t fret!

This article is your secret weapon, offering 45 razor-sharp roasts tailored for those ‘friends’ who turn out to be as real as a three-dollar bill.

These clever roasts are your playful armor against insincerity, helping you to address the fakeness with a smile and maybe even a laugh.

Get ready to turn those moments of frustration into opportunities for some witty retorts that are as fun as they are spot-on!

#1 – “Was your friendship on a free trial?”

  • Implies that their friendship seemed temporary, like a free trial that has ended.

#2 – “Do you change friends like you change your profile picture?”

  • Suggests that they switch friends frequently and superficially, much like updating a social media profile.

#3 – “Is there an award for Best Actor in the role of a friend?”

  • Jokingly questions if they are pretending to be a friend, as if it were a role in a movie.

#4 – “Are you sponsored by flip-flops, given how quickly you change sides?”

  • Implies that they are fickle or disloyal, like someone constantly changing their stance.

#5 – “Is your middle name ‘Conditions Apply’?”

  • Suggests that their friendship comes with hidden conditions or isn’t genuine.

#6 – “Do you also fake your Wi-Fi signal strength?”

  • A witty analogy suggesting they fake their friendship just as one might pretend to have a strong Wi-Fi signal.

#7 – “Are you a magician? Because every time I need you, you disappear.”

  • Points out their tendency to be absent or unavailable when needed, like a magician’s vanishing act.

#8 – “Is your friendship like a limited edition – rare and hardly seen?”

  • Implies that their friendship is so infrequent it’s like a rare, limited edition item.

#9 – “Do you also have a loyalty card for backstabbing?”

  • Jokes about their disloyalty as if it were a frequent activity that earns rewards.

#10 – “Are you practicing for a role in ‘Gone with the Wind’ with all this ghosting?”

  • Suggests that they ghost or ignore people frequently, likening it to a disappearing act in a movie.

#11 – “Is your favorite game ‘Hide and Seek’ because you’re never around?”

  • Implies that they are often missing or unavailable, like in the game where one hides.

#12 – “Do you get jet lag from jumping to conclusions?”

  • A humorous way to point out their tendency to make hasty or unfounded assumptions.

#13 – “Is your friendship like a solar eclipse – happens once in a blue moon?”

  • Compares their rare and unreliable friendship to the rarity of a solar eclipse.

#14 – “Are you a secret agent? Because you’re so good at going undercover.”

  • Jokes about their ability to disappear or blend in, like a spy.

#15 – “Do you also have a manual for your mood swings?”

  • Suggests that their mood or attitude changes so frequently, it could use a manual.

#16 – “Is your favorite hobby collecting broken promises?”

  • Implies that they frequently make and break promises.

#17 – “Do you also audition for ‘Friend of the Year’ or is it just natural talent?”

  • Sarcastically questions if their display of friendship is an act or a natural skill.

#18 – “Is your friendship like a mystery novel – full of plot twists?”

  • Compares their unpredictable or deceptive behavior to the twists in a mystery novel.
fake friend roasts

#19 – “Are you a seasonal friend – available only during certain times?”

  • Suggests that their friendship is only available or reliable during specific times, like seasons.

#20 – “Do you also have a PhD in ghosting?”

  • Implies that they are so skilled at ignoring or disappearing from friends, it’s as if they have a doctorate in it.

#21 – “Is your friendship like a shooting star – seen once and then gone forever?”

  • Compares their fleeting and rare friendship to the brief appearance of a shooting star.

#22 – “Are you a part-time friend with full-time benefits?”

  • Suggests that they only offer friendship part-time but expect full-time benefits from it.

#23 – “Do you also have a subscription service for your excuses?”

  • Jokes about their frequent and varied excuses as if it were a service one could subscribe to.

#24 – “Are you an artist specializing in double faces?”

  • Implies that they are two-faced or deceitful, like an artist who creates dual images.

#25 – “Do you also get frequent flyer points for all your tall tales?”

  • Suggests that they often tell exaggerated or false stories, likened to earning points for frequent travel.

#26 – “Is your friendship like a pop-up ad – unexpected and usually irrelevant?”

  • Compares their sudden and often unhelpful friendship to the nature of pop-up ads.

#27 – “Are you a professional cliffhanger, always leaving people hanging?”

  • Implies that they often leave situations unresolved or people waiting, like a cliffhanger in a story.

#28 – “Do you also have a return policy for all the trust you borrow?”

  • Suggests that they borrow trust from others without intending to return it or live up to it.

#29 – “Is your friendship a limited-time offer?”

  • Jokes that their friendship is only available for a short and specified period.

#30 – “Are you the author of ‘101 Ways to Avoid Responsibility’?”

  • Implies that they are adept at avoiding responsibilities, as if they could write a book on it.

#31 – “Is your loyalty as stable as a house of cards?”

  • Suggests that their loyalty is fragile and unreliable, like a delicately balanced house of cards.

#32 – “Do you also offer a masterclass in mixed signals?”

  • Jokes about their skill in giving confusing or contradictory signals, as if they could teach it.

#33 – “Is your friendship like a Wi-Fi signal – strong only when convenient?”

  • Compares their inconsistent friendship to a Wi-Fi signal that fluctuates based on convenience.

#34 – “Are you the mascot for fair-weather friends?”

  • Implies that they are a perfect example of a fair-weather friend, who is only around during good times.

#35 – “Do you have a black belt in backstabbing?”

  • Suggests that they are highly skilled in betrayal, likened to achieving a high level in martial arts.

#36 – “Is your friendship like a puzzle – hard to put together and easy to fall apart?”

  • Compares their complex and fragile friendship to the nature of a puzzle.

#37 – “Do you also write fiction, or is it just your promises?”

  • Jokes about their tendency to make promises that are as unrealistic as fiction.

#38 – “Are you a professional chameleon, always changing colors?”

  • Implies that they frequently change their attitudes or loyalties, like a chameleon changing colors.

#39 – “Is your friendship like a comet – rare and not of this world?”

  • This roast playfully suggests that their friendship is as infrequent and extraordinary as a comet, emphasizing its rarity and perhaps its unpredictability.

#40 – “Are you a seasonal TV show, appearing only once a year?”

  • Implies that their presence in your life is as limited as a TV show that airs only during a particular season, highlighting the inconsistency in the friendship.

#41 – “Do you have an on/off switch for loyalty?”

  • Jokes about their fluctuating loyalty, as if it could be turned on and off at will, like a mechanical device.

#42 – “Are you the founding member of the ‘Fair-Weather Friends Club’?”

  • Suggests they are the epitome of a fair-weather friend, someone who is only around during good times, humorously implying they could start a club for such people.

#43 – “Is your friendship like a leap year – showing up every four years?”

  • Compares their infrequent and rare friendship to the occurrence of a leap year, which happens only once every four years.

#44 – “Do you also give guided tours of your hall of broken promises?”

  • This witty roast implies that they have made and broken so many promises that they could lead a tour through a metaphorical exhibit of them.

#45 – “Are you a freelance friend – available only when it suits you?”

  • Suggests that their approach to friendship is opportunistic and self-serving, likening it to a freelancer who works according to their convenience.

And that’s our grand finale on the perfect roasts for those not-so-genuine friends!

With this arsenal of 45 playful zingers, you’re now fully equipped to sprinkle a bit of humor into those moments when sincerity seems to have left the building.

Imagine turning a situation of frustration into a scene filled with laughter and light-heartedness.

These roasts are your secret ingredient for keeping things fun and breezy, even when dealing with the most plastic of pals.

So, go ahead, unleash your newfound wit, and transform those facepalm moments into a reason for a good-hearted chuckle.

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