22 Funny Roasts to Say in Call of Duty Lobby

Get ready to up your game in the Call of Duty lobby, not just with your skills, but with your humor too!

We all know that a good roast can be just as satisfying as a well-executed strategy.

If you’re waiting for the next match or just caught in a hilarious crossfire of words, having a few clever roasts in your arsenal can really set the tone.

This list of 22 hilarious roasts is perfect for those moments when you want to add a dash of fun to the lobby chat. Let’s get right into it.

#1 – “Your aim is so bad you couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a boat.”

  • This roast humorously exaggerates someone’s aiming skills, or lack thereof, in a playful way.

#2 – “If I wanted to kill myself, I’d climb your ego and jump to your IQ.”

  • A witty way to poke fun at someone’s arrogance and perceived lack of smarts.

#3 – “You’re not a complete idiot, some parts are clearly missing.”

  • A humorous jab suggesting that while they’re not entirely foolish, they’re not far off.

#4 – “You must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.”

  • A playful insult implying their presence in the game is as random and unwanted as a highway accident.

#5 – “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”

  • A clever retort to use when someone is confidently incorrect about something in the game.

#6 – “I’d explain it to you, but I don’t have any crayons with me.”

  • Suggests that explaining game tactics to them would require extreme simplicity, like using crayons.

#7 – “You’re like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”

  • Implies that their absence makes the gaming experience more enjoyable.

#8 – “Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; you only gargled.”

  • A witty way to comment on their lack of game knowledge or common sense.

#9 – “I guess you prove that even gods make mistakes sometimes.”

  • A sarcastic remark on their overconfidence and subsequent failure in the game.

#10 – “You’re the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.”

  • A humorous way to suggest they’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.

#11 – “Are you always this stupid, or do you just show off when I’m around?”

  • A playful insult about their intelligence, especially in your presence.

#12 – “Your gaming skills are like a black hole; not even light can escape from that level of darkness.”

  • A creative way to roast their lack of skills in the game.
cod lobby roasts

#13 – “It’s impossible to underestimate you.”

  • Implies that no matter how low their abilities are estimated, they always manage to underperform.

#14 – “You have the perfect face for radio.”

  • An old-school insult that humorously implies they’re not much to look at.

#15 – “You’re about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.”

  • Suggests their contributions in the game are pointless or ineffective.

#16 – “If you were twice as smart, you’d still be stupid.”

  • A funny way to say they’re not very bright.

#17 – “Don’t play hard to get when you’re hard to want.”

  • A humorous roast about their desirability as a teammate.

#18 – “Your kills are like solar eclipses, rare and surprising.”

  • Playfully highlights how infrequently they manage to take down an opponent.

#19 – “I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one.”

  • A quick-witted insult about their appearance or demeanor.

#20 – “I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.”

  • A roast implying that thinking of them is akin to a mundane, unpleasant task.

#21 – “You’re as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense.”

  • Combines a comment on their intelligence (or lack thereof) with a nod to their stubbornness.

#22 – “You’re like a software update – whenever I see you, I think, ‘Not now.'”

  • A relatable and funny way to say that their presence isn’t welcome or is inconvenient.

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