25 Funny Roasts to Say to Your Rival

Gearing up for a friendly showdown with your arch-nemesis? Nothing spices up a rivalry quite like a clever roast that’s equal parts witty and hilarious.

Whether you’re facing off in a debate, competing in a friendly game, or just enjoying some good-natured banter, a well-timed roast can be the secret weapon in your arsenal.

But remember, the best roasts are those that leave everyone laughing, including the roastee.

Today, we’ve compiled 25 side-splitting roasts that are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and give you the upper hand in your next light-hearted battle of wits.

#1 – “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”

  • This classic comeback suggests that not only is your rival incorrect, but if you were to agree with them, it would lower your intelligence to their level. It’s a playful way of saying their argument is so off-base that agreeing would be a mistake for anyone.

#2 – “You bring everyone so much joy… when you leave the room.”

  • This roast is a twist on a compliment, turning it into a sly dig. It implies that your rival’s presence is so unpleasant that people are happiest when they’re gone.

#3 – “I’d explain it to you, but I don’t have any crayons with me.”

  • A humorous way of saying that your rival’s understanding is so basic, you’d need to simplify your explanation to a childlike level, which, unfortunately, you’re unprepared to do at the moment.

#4 – “Someday you’ll go far—and I hope you stay there.”

  • This one is a backhanded well-wish, pretending to hope for your rival’s success but actually hoping they’ll go away and never come back.

#5 – “I’d love to see things from your point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my own ass.”

  • This roast humorously implies that your rival’s perspective is so self-centered or misguided, it would require an impossible and uncomfortable act to understand it.

#6 – “Your secrets are always safe with me. I never even listen when you tell me them.”

  • This one playfully suggests that whatever your rival says is so uninteresting that it goes in one ear and out the other.

#7 – “It’s impossible to underestimate you.”

  • A clever way of saying that no matter how low one’s expectations might be for the rival, they always manage to be even less impressive.

#8 – “I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.”

  • This roast links thinking of your rival with a chore commonly associated with getting rid of unwanted things, implying they’re a nuisance or bothersome.

#9 – “Keep rolling your eyes, you might eventually find a brain back there.”

  • A witty response to someone who’s rolling their eyes at you, suggesting that their brain is as missing as their patience.

#10 – “You’re not stupid; you just have bad luck thinking.”

  • A tongue-in-cheek way to avoid calling someone stupid directly, but implying that every time they try to think, it results in bad luck or poor outcomes.

#11 – “I’d tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don’t want to see you every day.”

  • A humorous way of telling someone off while playfully suggesting that you’re in charge of a hellish domain.

#12 – “You’re the reason God created the middle finger.”

  • A funny and slightly irreverent way of saying that your rival inspires frustration or disdain, worthy of the universal sign of annoyance.

#13 – “You’re not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope they don’t die.”

  • This implies that while your rival isn’t the absolute worst, they’re hanging by a thread, dependent on someone else’s incompetence to keep them from the bottom spot.

#14 – “If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I’d fart.”

  • A crude but humorous way of saying that you find your rival’s comments as unwelcome and offensive as flatulence.

#15 – “You have an entire life to be an idiot. Why not take today off?”

  • This roast playfully suggests that your rival’s foolishness is a full-time job, and they might benefit from a little break.

#16 – “Your face makes onions cry.”

  • A twist on the common experience of crying while cutting onions, suggesting that your rival’s appearance is so unfortunate, it reverses this natural phenomenon.

#17 – “You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.”

  • A humorous jab at your rival’s intelligence or behavior, implying they are so backward, they defy the principles of evolutionary progress.

#18 – “I’d give you a nasty look, but you’ve already got one.”

  • A sly way of insulting your rival’s appearance or demeanor, suggesting they already embody negativity.

#19 – “I’d love to stay and chat, but I’d rather have type-2 diabetes.”

  • An extreme and humorous way of saying that spending time with your rival is less desirable than having a serious medical condition.

#20 – “You’re not as bad as people say. You’re much, much worse.”

  • This roast turns a common reassurance on its head, implying that no matter what bad things are said about the rival, the reality is even less flattering.

#21 – “You are like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”

  • A poetic way of saying that your rival’s absence is a significant improvement to any situation, much like the clearing of clouds for a sunny day.

#22 – “I would ask how old you are, but I know you can’t count that high.”

  • A playful insult on someone’s intelligence or education, implying they lack the basic skills to even count their age.

#23 – “You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you’re definitely the tool.”

  • A twist on a common saying, this one implies that while the rival may not be bright, they certainly fit the less flattering meaning of the word ‘tool’.

#24 – “Mirrors can’t talk. Lucky for you, they can’t laugh either.”

  • This roast humorously implies that if mirrors had the ability to react, they would laugh at the rival’s appearance.

#25 – “I’d slap you, but that would be animal abuse.”

  • A slightly edgy roast that suggests hitting your rival would be akin to harming a defenseless creature, playing on the idea that they’re less than human in their behavior or intellect.

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