32 Super Funny Roasts to Say on Apex Legends

Get ready to amp up your Apex Legends gameplay with some side-splitting humor! In the heat of battle, a well-timed joke can be just as effective as a well-aimed shot.

Our collection of 32 super funny roasts is tailored for those moments when you want to add a dash of comedy to your gaming sessions.

These witty jabs are perfect for lightening the mood, teasing your friends, or getting a laugh out of your opponents.

So, grab your gear, jump into the arena, and prepare to unleash your funny side along with your gaming skills!

#1 – “You move slower than a Level 1 loot bot!”

  • This roast humorously compares a player’s speed to the notoriously slow loot bots found in the game, suggesting they’re moving at a snail’s pace.

#2 – “I’ve seen Mozambiques do more damage than you!”

  • A playful jab at a player’s combat effectiveness, likening their impact to that of the often-mocked Mozambique shotgun.

#3 – “You must be using a white shield, because that effort was basic.”

  • This quip mocks the player’s skills by comparing them to the game’s lowest-tier armor, implying minimal protection or effort.

#4 – “Even a Supply Drop has a better landing than you.”

  • A humorous way to critique a player’s landing skills, suggesting that even inanimate supply drops do a better job.

#5 – “Your aiming is as stable as Caustic in a wind tunnel.”

  • A roast about the player’s aiming skills, likening their stability to the bulky character Caustic struggling in a wind tunnel.

#6 – “If missing shots was a sport, you’d be champion.”

  • Teases the player for their accuracy, or lack thereof, suggesting they excel in missing their targets.

#7 – “You camp more than players in a Ranked match.”

  • A roast about a player’s tendency to camp, a common and sometimes frustrating strategy in high-stakes matches.

#8 – “Your strategy is more confused than a solo player in Trios.”

  • This mocks a player’s tactical approach, comparing it to the chaos of a solo player accidentally landing in a team-based mode.

#9 – “Did you get your weapons from a toy store?”

  • A playful way to question the effectiveness of a player’s chosen armaments.

#10 – “You’re like a loot goblin – lots of gear, no idea.”

  • A humorous comparison of a player hoarding gear without effectively using it, similar to a loot goblin.

#11 – “You’re the jumpmaster of bad decisions.”

  • A roast targeting a player’s decision-making skills, using the in-game role of jumpmaster for a humorous twist.

#12 – “Were you trying for Pacifist Badge or just avoiding the fight?”

  • Teases the player for avoiding combat, questioning whether it’s a strategic choice or simply fear.

#13 – “Even the Ring closes faster than you react.”

  • A jest about a player’s reaction time, comparing it unfavorably to the speed of the game’s closing ring.

#14 – “You must think ‘damage’ is what happens to your hair.”

  • A light-hearted jibe implying the player is unfamiliar with dealing damage in combat, possibly mistaking it for hair damage.
apex legends roasts

#15 – “Your gameplay is as unpredictable as Mirage’s holograms, but less useful.”

  • A roast about the player’s erratic gameplay, comparing it to the decoys of the character Mirage, but without any of the benefits.

#16 – “You’re like a treasure pack – everyone finds you eventually.”

  • Suggests that the player is easy to locate and eliminate, similar to the easily-found treasure packs in the game.

#17 – “Your shots are like Crypto’s drone – rarely connecting.”

  • A witty comparison of a player’s shooting accuracy to the often-missed connections of Crypto’s surveillance drone.

#18 – “You must be a fan of Wattson – you’re great at fencing off success.”

  • A pun on the abilities of the character Wattson, known for her electric fences, suggesting the player is adept at blocking their own success.

#19 – “You’re the real-life version of a decoy grenade.”

  • Implies that the player is as ineffective and easily ignored as a decoy grenade in the game.

#20 – “I guess you play for the scenic views, not the fights.”

  • A playful way to suggest that the player is more interested in the game’s landscape than in engaging in combat.

#21 – “You’re like a loot tick – make a lot of noise, but not much else.”

  • Compares the player to the loot ticks found in the game, which are known for being noisy but not always valuable.

#22 – “Did you mistake the fire button for a peace offering?”

  • A humorous way to question why a player isn’t shooting effectively, as if they were trying to make peace instead.

#23 – “Your sneaking skills are like Gibraltar’s – non-existent.”

  • Teases the player’s ability to move stealthily, likening it to the large and noticeable character Gibraltar.

#24 – “You’re the human version of a Ring flare – mildly annoying but easy to avoid.”

  • Compares the player to the game’s ring flares, which are a nuisance but not particularly difficult to deal with.

#25 – “I’ve seen better teamwork in solo queue.”

  • A roast about the player’s ability to cooperate with teammates, suggesting that even solo players show more teamwork.

#26 – “You’re like a replicator – everyone’s happy to see you, because you’re an easy target.”

  • A playful jab suggesting that the player is as welcome a sight to enemies as a replicator because they’re easy to take down.

#27 – “Your bullet dodging skill is top-notch, too bad it’s your own bullets.”

  • A witty remark on the player’s ability to avoid shooting effectively, as if they were dodging their own bullets.

#28 – “You must be playing on a pacifist mode I’ve never heard of.”

  • A humorous suggestion that the player’s non-aggressive gameplay is akin to a fictional pacifist mode.

#29 – “You’re as useful as a Lifeline without a drone.”

  • Mocks the player’s usefulness, comparing them to the character Lifeline when she’s without her healing drone.

#30 – “Maybe you should let the NPCs take over; they might hit something.”

  • A roast suggesting that non-player characters (NPCs) would be more effective in combat than the player.

#31 – “You’re like a Bangalore smoke – all show, no real danger.”

  • Compares the player’s impact in the game to the character Bangalore’s smoke grenades, which create a show but aren’t inherently dangerous.

#32 – “I think your controller is as confused as you are.”

  • A playful jab at the player’s gaming skills, implying both they and their controller are bewildered by the gameplay.

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