32 Best Overwatch Roasts to Say to Other Players

Looking to spice up your Overwatch gameplay with some witty banter? You’re in the right place!

We’ve gathered 32 of the most epic and hilarious roasts tailored for Overwatch players.

Whether you’re looking to add a bit of humor to your team chats or aiming to have a friendly jab at your opponents, these roasts are sure to bring a smile (or a smirk) to everyone’s face.

Remember, it’s all in good fun – so let’s keep it light-hearted and enjoy the game to its fullest!

#1 – “I’ve seen omnic vacuum cleaners with better aim than you.”

  • This roast plays on the idea that even basic robots (like vacuum cleaners) could outperform the player’s aiming skills. It’s a humorous way to poke fun at someone’s accuracy in the game.

#2 – “Your healing is so slow, I thought I was waiting for a software update.”

  • This quip is for those moments when a healer in the team isn’t quite up to speed, likening their slow healing to the frustrating wait for a computer update.

#3 – “You’re not a bad player, you’re just practicing for the ‘How Not to Play’ tutorial.”

  • This one is a cheeky way to say that someone’s gameplay could be used as an example of what not to do, adding a humorous twist to criticism.

#4 – “If I had a credit for every time you missed a shot, I’d be richer than the Shimada clan.”

  • A playful jab at a player who misses shots frequently, referencing the wealthy Shimada clan from the game’s lore.

#5 – “You camp more than a Boy Scout troop.”

  • Aimed at players who spend too much time in one spot or ‘camping,’ this roast compares them humorously to Boy Scouts on a camping trip.

#6 – “Your ult usage is like a mystery novel – nobody knows what you’re trying to achieve.”

  • This quip is for those moments when a player uses their ultimate ability in a confusing or ineffective way, likening it to the plot of a complex mystery novel.

#7 – “Even a group of lemmings would make a better team than you guys.”

  • A funny way to suggest that the team’s coordination is so poor, even lemmings (known for their herd behavior) would do better.

#8 – “You’re like a loot box – full of disappointment.”

  • A roast that compares a player to Overwatch’s loot boxes, which are notorious for sometimes being underwhelming.

#9 – “Your DPS is lower than my grandma’s internet speed.”

  • This roast targets a DPS (damage per second) player who isn’t dealing much damage, humorously comparing their performance to slow internet.

#10 – “You must be a Torbjörn turret, because you just sit there and do nothing.”

  • A playful insult for a player who isn’t very active or helpful in the game, likening them to Torbjörn’s stationary turret.
overwatch roasts

#11 – “Are you role-playing as a pacifist, or do you always avoid the objective?”

  • This roast is for those who don’t focus on the game’s objectives, humorously questioning if they’re pretending to be peace-loving pacifists.

#12 – “Your strategy is so outdated, it belongs in an Overwatch history book.”

  • A witty way to say that someone’s tactics are old and no longer effective.

#13 – “If I wanted to kill time, I’d watch your gameplay.”

  • A humorous roast implying that watching the player’s gameplay is as uneventful as doing nothing at all.

#14 – “You’re about as useful as a chocolate teapot.”

  • A classic humorous comparison, suggesting that the player is as ineffective in the game as a teapot made of chocolate would be for making tea.

#15 – “Are you a professional bystander? Because you’re great at watching and not much else.”

  • This one teases players who tend to observe the action rather than participate in it.

#16 – “I guess you play mystery heroes, because your skill set is a complete surprise.”

  • A playful dig at someone whose skills are unpredictable or inconsistent, referencing the Mystery Heroes game mode.

#17 – “You’re like a payload – barely moving and everyone’s pushing you.”

  • A roast for someone who seems to rely on their team to carry them, compared to the game’s payload that needs to be pushed to its destination.

#18 – “Your aim is like abstract art – interesting, but it makes no sense.”

  • A humorous way to comment on someone’s poor aim, likening it to the often confusing nature of abstract art.

#19 – “You must have been AFK – in the brain.”

  • A playful insult implying that the player wasn’t just away from their keyboard, but also not using their brain.

#20 – “If this were a comedy match, you’d be the star.”

  • A light-hearted roast that implies the player’s actions are more humorous than skillful.

#21 – “You’re playing like the servers are down.”

  • A witty way to say that someone is playing so poorly, it’s as if the game servers aren’t even working.

#22 – “Are you trying to become a voice actor? Because all you do is talk.”

  • Aimed at players who talk a lot during the game but don’t contribute much to the actual gameplay.

#23 – “You’re like a report button – always getting pressed.”

  • A humorous comparison to the game’s report button, often used when players are frustrated with someone.

#24 – “Your gameplay is as smooth as sandpaper.”

  • This roast compares someone’s lack of finesse in the game to the rough texture of sandpaper.

#25 – “If only your skills were as high-level as your ego.”

  • A playful jab at someone who might be overconfident but doesn’t have the skills to back it up.

#26 – “You must be a Hanzo main, because you’re always missing the point.”

  • A specific roast for Hanzo players, playing on the stereotype that they often miss their shots and objectives.

#27 – “Your team play is like solo queue – non-existent.”

  • A roast for players who don’t work well with their team, likening their style to playing solo.

#28 – “Are you allergic to objectives? You seem to avoid them like the plague.”

  • This one humorously questions whether the player has an aversion to game objectives.

#29 – “You remind me of my phone battery – never fully charged and always running out at crucial moments.”

  • A metaphorical roast comparing a player’s lack of staying power in the game to a failing phone battery.

#30 – “If you were a hero ability, you’d be on cooldown.”

  • Suggests that the player isn’t contributing much, like an ability that’s currently unusable because it’s cooling down.

#31 – “Watching paint dry is more exciting than watching your playstyle.”

  • A humorous exaggeration to suggest that the player’s style is extremely boring.

#32 – “Your aim is so random, you could be a loot box algorithm.”

  • A witty comparison of a player’s unpredictable aim to the random nature of loot box contents in the game.

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