19 Best Roasts for Saying to Toxic League of Legends Players

Fed up with the negativity in your League of Legends matches?

Say goodbye to letting toxic players get under your skin.

Today, we’re equipping you with 19 sharp-witted and humorous comebacks perfect for those less-than-pleasant encounters.

Ideal for both veteran players and newcomers, these clever roasts are your secret weapon for tackling negativity with a smile.

Join us as we unveil these smart, sassy responses that ensure your gaming sessions remain fun and free from toxicity!

#1 – “I guess you play better than you type.”

  • This subtly suggests that their gameplay might be more impressive than their negative comments, encouraging them to concentrate on the game.

#2 – “Even the River Shen would find a way to cross you.”

  • This plays on the League of Legends meme, River Shen, humorously implying that even a non-traditional strategy would find a way to deal with their negativity.

#3 – “Your salt could season all the fries in Runeterra.”

  • A playful jab at their ‘salty’ attitude, likening it to an excessive amount of salt, enough to season all the food in the game’s world.

#4 – “Looks like someone’s chat is on cooldown.”

  • This roast suggests that they’re talking so much negativity, they might need a ‘cooldown’ period, just like abilities in the game.

#5 – “Is your keyboard missing the ‘teamwork’ key?”

  • A clever way to point out their lack of teamwork, suggesting it’s as if their keyboard doesn’t have that function.

#6 – “Keep talking; I always yawn when I’m interested.”

  • A sarcastic remark implying that their negative comments are boring and uninteresting.

#7 – “I thought this was a team game, not a solo rant concert.”

  • Highlights the importance of teamwork over individual rants, reminding them of the game’s collaborative nature.

#8 – “Your ego’s writing checks your skills can’t cash.”

  • Suggests that their boasting and negative talk are more than their actual gaming skills can support.

#9 – “Looks like we’re playing 5v5, but one of our team’s champions is Chat.”

  • A humorous observation that one of their team members seems to be playing more in the chat than in the game itself.

#10 – “You must be a great jungler, because you excel at throwing shade.”

  • A light-hearted jest that plays on the role of the jungler in the game, who often moves unseen, like throwing ‘shade’ or subtle insults.

#11 – “Wow, you flame faster than Brand’s passive.”

  • Referring to a champion known for fire abilities, this roast humorously compares their quickness to insult to a fast-acting game mechanic.

#12 – “If only your map awareness was as good as your awareness of others’ mistakes.”

  • A witty comment highlighting their focus on pointing out mistakes instead of paying attention to important game strategies.

#13 – “You’re like a minion, always getting aggro for no reason.”

  • This roast compares them to the game’s minions, known for attracting enemy attention, suggesting they stir trouble unnecessarily.

#14 – “You must be related to Teemo, because you excel at annoying everyone.”

  • Teemo is a famously irritating character in the game, and this roast playfully suggests they are just as bothersome.

#15 – “Are you practicing for a ‘most toxic player’ award?”

  • A sarcastic question that highlights their negative behavior in a humorous way.

#16 – “Your attitude is more bronze than your league.”

  • A burn that compares their poor attitude to the lowest tier in the game’s ranking system.

#17 – “I didn’t know we were playing in the Saltwater Rift.”

  • A pun on the game’s map, the Summoner’s Rift, suggesting that their saltiness is overwhelming.

#18 – “If flaming was a skill, you’d be Challenger.”

  • A roast that plays on the game’s highest competitive rank, Challenger, implying they are exceptionally good at being negative.

#19 – “Your rage quit is faster than a Yasuo feeding.”

  • Refers to a common scenario where a character, Yasuo, often dies quickly, likening it to their quickness to give up or rage.

Wrapping up, these 19 roasts are your arsenal for keeping spirits high and tempers low in the League of Legends universe.

Next time you encounter a wave of negativity, just pick one of these clever comebacks and watch as the mood shifts from sour to playful.

After all, the true spirit of gaming lies in enjoyment and teamwork, not in who can throw the sharpest insult.

Keep these witty retorts handy, but always use them with a pinch of humor and a dash of kindness.

Happy gaming, and may your matches be as enjoyable as your comebacks!

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